Cockroach Control and Ant Bait

Victor Cockroach gel bait
Kill the nest, kill the colony, leads to long term control.
DESCRIPTION: A ready-to-use bait for the control of German and American cockroaches.
ADVANTAGES: Highly palatable gel bait that attracts and kills cockroaches * Easy application, * No spraying * Extremely safe * No evacuate required * Domino effect spread and destroy entire colony * Large 35g tube * Low application rate – 0,5g blobs of bait per m2 in areas frequented by Cockroaches * Ideal for use in areas where sprays can not be used, such as computers, electrical motors of fridge and electrical boxes & highly occupied kitchens * Remains active for months.
ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Imidacloprid 0,5g/kg
Sharda Roach
A ready to use bait for the control of German and American cockroaches
DESCRIPTION: A ready-to-use bait for the control of German and American cockroaches
ADVANTAGES: Highly palatable gel bait that attracts and kills cockroaches * Easy application, * No spraying * Extremely safe * No evacuate required * Domino effect spread and destroy entire colony * Large 35g tube * Low application rate – 0,5g blobs of bait per m2 in areas frequented by Cockroaches * Ideal for use in areas where sprays can not be used, such as computers, electrical motors of fridge and electrical boxes & highly occupied kitchens * Remains active for months.
ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Imidacloprid 0,5g/kg
NOTES: The gel will remain pliable and palatable to cockroaches as long as it is visible; usually for up to 20 weeks. If infestations are high, inspect the gel after 4 weeks of treatment and replenish if necessary. Daylight conditions will reduce the longevity of the bait.
Zenithor | Read More
DESCRIPTION: A ready for use gel bait for the control of cockroaches in commercial, industrial and residential premises including food handling and processing facilities.
ADVANTAGES: Fast kill * No Resistance * Kills all life stages * Highly effective against Nymphal cockroaches.
ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Indoxacarb (oxadiazine) 6.0g/kg
Maxforce Prime cockroach gel bait
Cost effective cockroach gel bait.
DESCRIPTION: An insecticidal gel bait for the control of cockroach nymphs and adults in domestic premises, public hygiene and food storage premises, which is odourless, non-volatile and non-repellant.
ADVANTAGES: Adult and nymph cockroaches. * Used with purpose built bait gun. * Non-volatile and non-repellent. * Odourless. * Use during working hours in kitchens etc.
ACTIVE INGREDIENTS:Imidacloprid 21,5 g/kg
APPLICATION RATE: German – 0,25 – 0,5g/m2, American / Oriental – 0,5 – 1.0g/m2
Maxforce Platin gel bait | Read More
Brand new active ingredient in a new and advanced formulation for superior cockroach control.
DESCRIPTION: An insecticidal gel bait for the control of all species cockroach nymphs and adults.
ADVANTAGES: NEW active ingredient & NEW bait recipe * Extremely palatable eliminates bait aversion * Excellent flush out ability * Controls all major species of cockroaches * Engineered for enhanced performance * Reduction in amount of bait makes it cost effective * Ideal for use in sensitive environments, Long lasting control – up to 12weeks.
ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Clothianidin (neonicotinoid) 10 g/kg
Insecta bait disc | Read More
DESCRIPTION: Secure and versatile plastic bait station for gel or granular baits.
ADVANTAGES: Easy-to-use station holds cockroach or ant gel bait *Improves control over bait placement * Keeps bait clean, palatable and secure * Easy to monitor by operators * Easy identifiable by customers * Pre-bait for rapid placement * Gel bait usage outdoors * Move station around when required * Dimensions: 40mm X 15mm, Material: polypropylene.
ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: No active ingredient.
Maxforce quantum gel ant bait | Read More
Kill the nest, kill the colony, leads to long term control.
DESCRIPTION: A ready-to-use, odourless, inconspicuous and non repellent insecticidal bait for the control of ants in and around domestic premises, public buildings, food storage and handling premises and industrial premises.
ADVANTAGES: Highly attractive to ants * Control the colony/nest * Viscous liquid ant bait for application via a standard gel applicator * Ready-to-use * Odourless & non-staining * Clear, transparent and inconspicuous in appearance * Stays palatable for at least 3 months * Favourable risk profile.
ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Imidacloprid (chloro-nicotinyl) 0,3 g/kg CAUTION
DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Suitable for use in domestic, commercial and industrial premises; food handling, processing and storage establishments, e.g. restaurants,food retailers, warehouses, raw material stores, commercial kitchens and abattoirs; public buildings e.g. hospitals, hotels, municipal buildings, churches, halls, community centres and cinemas; outdoor treatments e.g. terraces, pavements, patios, entrance areas to sheds.
APPLICATION RATE: Apply 1 spot of 200 mg bait/m of ant trail.
Sharda Ant Gel | Read More
Kill the nest, kill the colony, leads to long term control.
DESCRIPTION: A ready-to-use gel bait for the control of ANTS (including the Black and Brown house ants and Argentine- ants) outdoors, around domestic premises.
ADVANTAGES: Highly palatable sugar and protein bait matrix * Soft easily to consume bait * Low application rates * Easy and safe to use in sensitive areas * Delayed action allows foraging ants to take bait back to the nest, feeding the queen and larvae * Destroy the queen, larvae, the nest and the colony * Long term control.
Imidacloprid(Neonicotinoid) 0.1g/kg
Apply where there is presence of ants or areas where its presence is suspected such close to water sources, inside cupboards or heat from electrical motors * Apply out of reach of unsuspecting people * Apply drops of gel having a diameter of about 1cm (approximately 0.2 g)
Victor ant gel bait | Read More
Maxforce granular ant bait | Read More
Kill the nest, kill the colony, leads to long term control.
DESCRIPTION: Ready-to-use granular bait. Less environmental contamination. Delayed action of active ingredient allows foraging ant to bring the bait back to the nest so that the entire colony is destroyed.
ADVANTAGES: Ready-to-use granular bait. Less environmental contamination. Delayed action of active ingredient allows foraging ant to bring the bait back to the nest so that the entire colony is destroyed.
ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Hydramethylnon 10g/kg
APPLICATION RATE: Perimeter treatment – 6 g / m² in a band 0,5 m wide around the perimeter of buildings. Broadcast application – 20 g / 100 m². Ant nests – 30 g bait around active ant nests.
Hymenopthor granular ant bait
Ant and Cockroach granular bait
DESCRIPTION: Next Generation technology ant and cockroach granular bait powered by Fipronil.
ADVANTAGES: High palatability * Armed with fipronil * Years of training * Liquid oil phase release * Viral feed through effect.
ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Fipronil 0.1g/kg
NOTES: Specially designed, convenient, shaker.