Reptile Control: Repellents

Repellents to repel snakes and geckos.

Snake Repel | Read More
Prevent confrontations with snakes.
DESCRIPTION: A biodegradable non toxic snake repellent
ADVANTAGES: Non-toxic, bio degradable and environmentally safe * Repels snakes * Lasts up to 4 weeks * Approved by naturalists, conservationists and ecologists.
NOTES: Contains: Silicones, Ammonia Solution, Ethenol, Nonyl phenol ethoxylate, Dipropylene glycol methyl ether, Propylene glycol n-butyl ether, sodium lauryl sulphate, Ethanolamine
APPLICATION RATE: Ready to use product. Apply 2 litre/ 100m2. Apply in a 1/2 meter to 1 meter swath.
Go gecko | Read More
Non toxic, eco friendly Gecko repellent.
DESCRIPTION: Bio degradable, non-toxic chemicals that repels Geckos.
ADVANTAGES: Non-toxic, bio degradable and environmentally safe * Lasts up to 4 weeks * Approved by naturalists, conservationists and ecologists * Ready to use * Irritates smell organ of Geckos
ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Silicon based product
NOTES: Apply around domestic dwellings, premises, around doors and windowsills.
APPLICATION RATE: 2 litre/ 100m2