Aquatic Algae
A range of systemic and natural algaecides for the control of algae in recreational or irrigation dams, ponds, rivers and tanks.
Aqua-Oxy Cure | Read More
A 100% organic product improve water conditions and restore the natural ecological balance.
DESCRIPTION: A natural liquid concentrate algaecide for use in: Lakes; ponds; crop and non-crop irrigation conveyance systems; canals, ditches and laterals.
ADVANTAGES: *100% organic * Non toxic to all aquatic life * Improve water conditions and restore the natural ecological balance * Releases dissolved oxygen * Promote aerobic conditions.
ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Special selection of minerals and other natural ingredients.
NOTES: Apply any time during the year
APPLICATION RATE: Broad cast application or Drip application – 50 litres/ ha (10 000m2) 0,5 litres/100m2