Maxxthor | Read More
DESCRIPTION: A suspension concentrate residual and contact insecticide for the control of subterranean wood termites and for the control of ants, fleas, flies, cockroaches and mosquitoes.
ADVANTAGES: Powerful control from Bifenthrin (Pyrethroid) * Effective at low concentrations * Low mammalian toxicity * Odour less & Stainless * Cost effective * Long lasting.
ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Bifenthrin (Pyrethroid) 100g/litre
NOTES: Controls: Cockroaches, Ants, Fleas.
APPLICATION RATE: 50ml / 5L water/ 100m2
Alphathrin | Read More
DESCRIPTION: A suspension concentrate contact and stomach insecticide with a long lasting effect .
ADVANTAGES: Rapid knock-down * Long residual action * Very low mammalian toxicity * Broad spectrum of control * Low application rate * Very cost effective * Odourless * Use in- and Outdoors.
ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Alpha-Cypermethrin (Pyrethroid) 100 g / l
NOTES: Controls: mosquitoes, flies, bedbugs, cockroaches, fish moths and ants.
APPLICATION RATE: 25ml/ 5liter water/ 100m2
Deflow | Read More
DESCRIPTION: A suspension concentrate contact and stomach insecticide with a long lasting effect.
ADVANTAGES: Rapid knock-down * Long residual action * Very low mammalian toxicity * Broad spectrum of control * Low application rate * Very cost effective * Odourless * Use in- and Outdoors.
ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Deltamethrin (Pyrethroid) 25g / l
NOTES: Controls: Flies, mosquitoes, bedbugs, cockroaches, fish moths and ants.
APPLICATION RATE: 40-80ml/5 litre water/ 100m2
Temprid | Read More
DESCRIPTION: A suspension concentrate with contact and systemic action, good knock down and long lasting residual control.
ADVANTAGES: Unique dual mode of action *Fast knockdown and lasting residual control * Resistance breaking action * Low application rate.
ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: imidacloprid (neonicotinoid) 251g/l Beta-Cyfluthrin (Pyrethroid) 125g/ l
NOTES: Controls: Ants bedbugs, carpet beetle, Cockroaches, Fish moths, Fleas, flies, hide beetle and larvae, litter beetle, mosquitoes, ticks, skin beetle and larvae.
APPLICATION RATE: 10ml – 20ml / 5 water/ 100m2
Seizer 80SC | Read More
DESCRIPTION: A suspension concentrate contact and stomach insecticide for the control of insect pests in domestic and industrial premises as indicated.
ADVANTAGES: Powerful control from Bifenthrin (Pyrethroid) * Effective at low concentrations * Low mammalian toxicity * Odourless & Stainless * Cost effective * Long lasting.
ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Bifenthrin (Pyrethroid).80 g / l
APPLICATION RATE: 65ml/ 5/ water/ 100m2
Ambush 10SC | Read More
Cost Effective Pest Control
DESCRIPTION: Ambush 10SC is a suspension concentrate contact and stomach insecticide for the control of household and public health insect pests, such as ants, cockroaches, fleas as well as flies.
ADVANTAGES: Rapid knock-down effect with medium residual action up to 4 weeks / Low toxicity to mammals & other animals / Broad spectrum of insect pest control / Low application rate & highly cost effective / Odourless & suitable for indoor as well as outdoor use.
ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Alpha-Cypermethrin (Pyrethroid) 100 g/ℓ
APPLICATION RATE: 25 mℓ / 5ℓ water / 100 m2
NOTES: Avoid skin contact when handling the product and don’t inhale spray drift during application / Wear suitable protective clothing during application.