Surface care

A complete range of odour, cleaning and sanitary solutions.

Auto Sanitizer | Read More
DESCRIPTION: *Automatically reduces, prevents scale, stains on surfaces. * Sanitising formulations actively stop germs from breeding. * Touch-free operation reduces the risk of cross infection. * Eliminates bad odours at source. Maintain odour-free area. * Digital dispenser with multiple settings. * 30/60/90 days * 8/12/16/24 hr * 5/6/7 days per week. * Automatic cost control – Save labour and service costs. * 5 year dispenser guarantee.
DESCRIPTION: * Purinel with mandarin refill 310ml – Kills 99.3% of germs as well as reducing hard water build-up.
* Bio-Purinel refill 310ml – Prevents uric scale build-up in pipes, traps & drains.
* Citrus tingle 310ml – Cost effective pleasant fragrance.
DESCRIPTION: * A unique proprietary urinal mat, impregnate with essential oil fragrance and bio tab that allows aerations, oxygenation and biological treatment of effluent containing urine and protein. * A tab that has the ability to greatly eliminate malodour associated with urinals. * Easy to manage and will last for 30 days before it is replaced. * Reduces transport cost – no heavy 25L plastic drums. * Very effective at digesting uric acid, which is often the cause of malodour and the blocking of bathroom effluent pipes. * Contains no less than 8 million organisms per gram of specially selected micro-organisms to solve the problems at hand. * The controlled release for the essential oil fragrance embedded in the plastic mat will ensure a pleasant fragrance for 30 days.
DESCRIPTION: * Removes odours, such as ammonia (NH3) and Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) associated with the process of decaying. * Treat floors, soil, bedding and other areas where organic waste can accumulate. * Non toxic to animals. * Use ULV misting equipment, conventional sprayers or permanent misting system. * Repeat daily, weekly or as required. * Reducing ammonia is beneficial to the animal’s health.
APPLICATION RATE: * 15-26ml/ 1Liter water/ m2
NOTES: Maximum shelf life of two days after mixing
FAT BUSTER | Read More
DESCRIPTION: * Non-toxic to humans and the environment. * Safe-to-use on all surfaces in food processing areas, including floors, sinks, work areas, drains and fat traps. Use through entire facility from goods receiving to tills. * Reduce environmental impact, by reducing chemical waste into sewage system. * Mix and apply to surfaces. Leave for 10 to 15 min (or longer if you can) and then flush with fresh water squeezing the waste to drains. Rinse second time. * Start with deep clean application followed by Daily cleaning. For blocked drains or fat traps use shock treatment.
APPLICATION RATE: * Deep clean – 2% mixture (200ml/ 10L water). * Daily cleaning – 1% mixture (100ml/ 10L water). * Shock treatment – 5% mixture (500ml/ 10L water).
BIOX 5000 | Read More
ADVANTAGES: * Chloride dioxide is used world wide as a biocide of choice in breweries, dairies, poultry, fisheries, abattoirs, cold rooms and waste water treatment. * Technologically advanced broad spectrum oxidising biocide. Controls bacteria, fungi, viruses, algae , spores and biofilm. * Easy to use – activating with easy instructions. * Approval as biocide – SABS, CIO2 is E.P.A (USA) and Eurogap approved. * Environmentally friendly & non corrosive at recommended rates. * Low application rates (5 – 100ppm) and Cost effective. * Low toxicity and low odour. * Adaptable – Not PH dependent. * No residual action.
ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Flowable stabilized Chloride dioxide (CIO2) 5000ppm.
NOTES: Pack Size: 5L & 25L